Interpersonal Skills | Training

Improve interpersonal skills of your employees with Social and Communication soft skills training.

Effective team communication

Acquiring skills for effective team communication, leadership and interpersonal skills through facilitated LEGO Serious Play approach.

After completing the course, participants will:

  • know the principles of effective communication and be able to use communication channels between colleagues more effectively
  • understand and practice communication techniques
  • have active listening skills
  • know the principles of giving a constructive feedback as well as practice how to give and receive one
  • improve collaboration and be able to clarify on what are they working within a team, as well as how to create a commitment for team support
  • strengthen their individual engagement
  • be able to discuss problematic areas within team members

International culture - commonalities and differences

Working in internationally diverse team is a fantastic way to enhance productivity, ideas and boost international expansion. However, different cultures have different ways of cooperating, communicating, reporting and directing. Understanding those differences properly and learning how to effectively use them in daily operations is a key to succeed with international team.

During and after completing the course, participants will:

  • understand how approach to culture differences can change perception of individual behavior
  • will be able to distinguish between stereotypes and fact based cultural etiquette
  • easily move and interact with each other as they build awareness around themselves
  • explore their own cultural styles and open their minds to those culture styles of other team members

Team building workshops are tailored to the audience, specific issues or regions and can be can be flexibly adapted as a short education presentation, half day training or full day team building activity.

Assertive communication skills and resolving conflicts

Training and practicing the skills how to value others, but not to undermine myself at the same time.

After completing the course, participants will:

  • know how to notice assertive and non assertive behavior
  • will know how to choose an appropriate behavior form according to the situation
  • have better approach to sustain good working relationships
  • know how to notice symptoms of conflict and will know how to find a constructive solution
  • know the basic strategies and constructive solutions in contact with team, external and internal clients

Presentation skills

The course objective is to train and practice the skills required use presentation effectively and confidently.

After completing the course, participants will:

  • be competent to identify their own presentation abilities and skills
  • effectively present in front of different audience
  • know how to prepare a clear and comprehensible presentation (convincing, motivating, informative)
  • use audiovisual tools – flip chart, data projector, microphone and other
  • open the presentation to get the attention right from the beginning
  • handle difficult situations and audiences

Other training and courses

  • Management styles and leadership behaviours
  • Active and proactive problem solving
  • Communication at workplace and handling difficult colleagues/clients
  • Presentation and public appearance
  • Proactive problem solving


Do you have any other requests? Any unique needs for your team? We understand that all teams and individuals are not the same.

Please contact us to discuss! We would be thrilled to have a conversation about your training needs!
tel: +41 79 599 1660