Team Buildings

Do you need to strengthen the team spirit or the team work? Get there together. Mutual knowledge clears team members fear of unknown, mutual experiences connect them. Named emotions lose their destructive power. That’s why, while preparing a training, we emphasize a shift from fancy to effective time spent together. A combination of indoor and outdoor activities leads to reaching this goal.

My place in team and team effectiveness

Behind the success of every single company stand satisfied customers. Getting a customer is very hard, but losing him is often very easy. Let’s have a team work how to get a customer, but especially how to keep him with good setup of team roles.

Leadership in VUCA environment

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – does that sound familiar? Everything changes very quickly and that’s why it’s necessary to have the ourselves and our employees ready.

Ideal world does not exist – constructive problem solving

Conflicts are not only a part of personal, but also a professional life. But conflicts at work are usually a big barrier in performance. However, conflict doesn’t have to be especially negative if whole team knows how to constructively solve it and how to get the maximum out of it.

Unleash the creativity within your team

NEW – Utilizing art techniques helping to strengthen the communication within teams, to enhance their internal cooperation, improving the trust among each other and mainly – boosting creative thinking!

Learn more about our creative workshops here →

Do you have any other requests? Any unique needs for your team? We understand that all teams and individuals are not the same.

Please contact us to discuss! We would be thrilled to have a conversation about your team building needs!
tel: +41 79 599 1660