Patrik Banas

Managing director, lead trainer, consultant

20 years of commercial background in Business and Category Development with solid FMCG experience gained in Emerging markets, USA, as well as in major European and Asian markets. Worked in various operational and strategic functions in local, regional and global teams for Nestle Purina Petcare Company in Czech and Slovak republics, USA and Switzerland. As the Specialist Channel director in Nestlé Czech republic set up new business model and within 3 years achieved leading market position and tripled turnover. Developed training toolkit and as a trainer led development of local teams, distributors and their sales representatives within Central European region and later on a Global level. As Category development manager in USA trained sales teams to achieve successful launch of a new brand to key customers. Focused to develop capabilities of local teams in various markets and leads transformational programs to enhance their growth and internal cooperation.

Since 2016 works as an independent consultant and trainer.

With his clients, Patrik is recently also game-playing new approach to test initial Strategic ideas, applying competitor’s role modeling and competitive intelligence with „War games” approach.



Added value

Entrepreneurial attitude, common sense pragmatism and passion for an action. Patrik enjoys the interaction with groups and is confident and experienced speaker.



Training experience

Since 2004 started to develop and train internal teams. Gradually began to train external partners and other companies.



Training expertise and programs

  • One step ahead of competition – strategic development
  • Category management – trends and reality
  • Communication for teams and for managers in team leading positions
  • Building teams
  • Innovation process internally and pro-customer orientation




2016 Trainer for Strategic War games – Academy of Competitive intelligence; Boston
2015 Advanced Digital Capability Building Program – ISDI Digital Institute; Barcelona
2015 Everyday Coaching Fundamentals – TACK International; Switzerland
2009 Senior Management Development Program – Nestle Rive Reine Institute; Switzerland
2007 Leadership Communication Development – Nestlé Purina; London, Bruggy and Prague
1993—1998 Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia. MA (Dipl. Ing.) in enterprise management




English, Slovak and Czech fluent. French, Russian and Polish advanced.



Selected referral projects

  • Zverokruh Czech republic – major pet supermarket chain
    — Leading introduction of new category strategy, portfolio shift and store remodeling
  • Nestlé Switzerland
    — Workshop “Leading in VUCA times” for training institute, part of Global Advanced Leadership training
  • Europasta Central Europe – regional pasta producer
    — International expansion project supported by strategic portfolio and internal capabilities assessment
  • Volkswagen Slovakia (in cooperation with RecruitMen&Developium Group)
    — Communication and managerial skills for team leaders
  • AT&T Central Europe (in cooperation with RecruitMen&Developium Group)
    — Development program: Internal innovation and customer centric approach
  • Nestlé Hellas Greece, Nestlé Purina Austria, Hungary, Romania, Adriatic, Ukraine
    — Strategic Category management – from development, through full sales team training to customer implementation
  • Nestlé Purina USA
    — Introduction of a new ultra-premium brand to market
  • Nestle Purina Russia
    — Adaptation of a new business model and applying new Route to market




Having worked with Patrik directly as his Line Manager or indirectly as colleagues across business, I have the highest opinion on him as a business professional. This stands for his ability to bring elements in context and connect the dots naturally, but it also has to do with his ability to lead a project with a vision and strict time constrains while motivating all the team members around the benefits to gain.
I recently asked Patrik to help build a unique “war game” simulation in our Corporate University and the outcome proved again highly valuable in terms of experience and ability for participants to apply their learnings back on their jobs.

Bertrand Rajon, Head of Management & Executive Leadership Education, Nestlé SA, Switzerland


For the past 2 years, Patrik and I have a close collaboration in order to build the Category capabilities in the Greek market. During this journey, Patrik has demonstrated great commitment and he is always available to help and to come up with solutions to various problems.
Patrik’s own characteristics that make his contribution so significant are:

  • His great experience in practicing the Purina methodology and applying the available toolkits
  • His systematic, step-by-step approach to build from ground zero all the way up
  • His ability to adopt to the realities of several local markets
  • His attitude that motivates people to perform

Theo Radiotis, Category Operations, Nestlé Greece





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